Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Devil Would Not Wear This Book!!!

The Devil Wears Prada

Author: Lauren Weisberger

Anchor Books (2003)

Number of Pages:

After falling absolutely head over heals in lust with the movie The Devil Wears Prada, I decided to give the novel a try. My friend was always on my case to read it, saying it was “the best novel ever” and I honestly never had the chance to read it besides I thought it would be superficial, shallow and stupid… and I was right.

Although the movie focuses on the actual characters, the novel focuses on clothes. The amount of times I had to read what each character wore for each day was disgusting. I would say 1/3rd of the novel was used to describe clothes. If I wanted to know what clothes looked like I would stand in front of a Holt Renfrew window.

The story is about a young fresh out of university woman, Andrea Sachs, who wants job in publishing, where she can do what she does best, write. It’s in first person narrative and I honestly believe that some words written in the novel were put in after using a thesaurus. Andrea lands a job at a fashion magazine, Runway, where she is constantly told “a million people would die for your job”

She ends up working as an assistant to one of the cruellest workaholics in the industry, Miranda Priestly, the editor-in-chief of Runway. As the story progresses we see Andrea caught in a situation where her personal life merges with her work life until work becomes her life. Aside from the two main characters we get the supporting characters, Alex, the understanding boyfriend, Lily, Andrea’s best friend, Christian, Andrea’s “work crush” and Emily, Andrea’s co-worker along with other meaningless and pitiful characters not worth mentioning. There was no major makeover, nor was there really any character development. The characters all pretty much remained the same in the end just a little more angry and self centered.

The plot line is atrocious, the main character is annoying, and the only thing that saves this novel is Miranda Priestly who is wonderfully callous and believable as the “bitch-boss” from England. Perhaps if I read the novel before I watched the movie I would not be so biased and I would appreciate the novel more, however I cannot appreciate something that is so overwhelmingly shallow as this novel was. But that’s my opinion anyway.

Happy Reading!!!

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