About Me

Well you clicked here… I know you did!!! And thus I’m guessing you want to know a bit more about me. Well I’m Phoenix, Bree Phoenix Khan.  I’m not smart, but I’m not brainless either, I have my moments of being completely dim-witted and others of being supremely intelligent. Like most human beings I am a walking contradiction. Everything that I am, I’m not and everything that I’m not, I am… depending on the day you meet me. 
I “suffer” with bi-polar depression; suffer in quotation marks because sometimes it doesn’t feel like suffering at all, but a test of will, courage and strength, a test to see me through to the end, an end that hopefully doesn’t involve me expiring myself.  See I can joke about depression, I don’t take it too seriously, but there are days when I am uncontrollable and have those dreadful mood swings that last for weeks on end. Those are the days of my best writing…    
I never have luck with men; except for one, whom I loved dearly; unfortunately he left this world and entered another one and I have been lonely ever since.  I’m easily duped into believing men and what they have to say and thus I end up hurt and disgusted. Men: another fish in the sea my friend… just another fish! 
I read a lot… I read everything. I even review books once in a while. Many of the books I read I don’t have time to review but as the New Year approaches I want to add more reviews of the books I’ve read and will read to the blog.  Of course you’re probably wondering what types of books I read: Mostly classics, but lately I’ve been reading, and finding that I quite enjoy, the contemporaries and thus I shall be reading more of these titles as well.   
I studied at the University of Toronto… taking a major in physics (or as I secretly call it phySUCKS) and a major in English. Yes two subjects from opposite spectrum but I must admit that I love what I study and I don’t think I could ever give either of them up. Oh did I happen to mention a minor in math there somewhere… well if not, it’s there now. 
As for what I want in the future, I’m not entirely sure. I know I want to be more than what I am, I want to be more than what my parents are, but not quite sure how I’ll achieve that.  I don’t think I want to be a physicist for the rest of my life, and I sure as hell don’t want to be a doctor (even though I wrote the MCATs for my parents’ sake) so really I don’t know what other options I have left.  In all honesty, I really want to be a writer, but my writing’s too amateur to be considered serious or worthy of being published. However simplicity does get rewarded sometimes… just look at Nicolas Sparks. 
Anyway if you’re still reading this, which I highly doubt, don’t be afraid to check out the rest of my blog and comment once in a while. We all like comments, even if it’s negative.  Hope you enjoy your stay and come back to visit, I always welcome visitors: new and old :)  
Peace and Love!
Bree Phoenix Khan

1 comment:

  1. You are a writer! Don't ever doubt that. One day you'll be published and I'll tell everyone that I met you in French class and we were friends ever since :)
